Friday, May 13, 2005

I wrote the article 'What destiny had in store' just a few days after my illfated accident so that i could express my feelings at that time. Today after four months i am still suffering from vertigo attacks. It seems like it wll be quite a while if ever i return to normalcy.


Aditya Bidikar said...

Hi Sandnya, just read your article - it really gets your feelings across. I liked it a lot. I believe that people should express their pains and feelings and not keep them bottled up.

By the way, thanks a million for visiting my website and also for the lovely comment - you really made my day.

Aditya Bidikar said...

By the way, I've also got a blog ( Perhaps you could visit that as well.

Bhatakbhavanya said...

I used to enjoy crackers when i was in 5th 6th std but one day
after watching a doc on child labour in shivkasi factories i couldnt do it anymore.Well ,then i was really quite sensetive but still all these years i've never did it.