Monday, April 09, 2007

Extreme emotions...

Has there ever been a time when after a particular bout of erratic behaviour you have said to yourself... Why did I do that?

Impulsive actions have always taken their toll on my life, but what baffles me is that in a similar situation the reactions I give to different people is different... sometimes to the extent that I may laugh with one person on his comment but verbally condemn another...
Also when it comes to love, hope, expectations ... expect the unexpected!!
I am highly emotional with a few... every word they say is analysed rewound replayed checked for faults... while if someone else just as close says the same thing i would go... Pooh!
In a fit of white rage I end up blasting off near and dear ones without thinking... Why? Not that I am originally like that... I do not get angry very soon or very often but why is it that I'm so touchy about a few people and few topics...
Calm down they say... dont be so temperamental... U should can your emotions... But what when your mind doesnt listen... When you dont think straight... Then what do you do?

Well as of now I'm calm composed... the stillness after a raging storm :) but I am confused as to when emotions may stir up a Basilisk again?!


Rohan Koshy said...

The first thought cannot be avoided so you always feel rage sometimes. but the next thought is the one that helps. if you make the second thought ....."calm down"
you can rage in your head and keep a semblance of sanity :-)

Salil said...

Good to see an update :)

Dhama said...
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Anonymous said...

So true..u can't control your emotions..i think ONE should not.. be yourself! Give time..things will be just the way you want them to be :)

Cartographer said...

Well thats why they say count till 10 .

Unknown said...

I'm the same way... but over the years I noticed that it's not as random as I used to think: If i'm going through a long period of stress (the period between boyfriends, between jobs, during studies etc') extreme emotions (over stuff not at all related to any of that, of course) are more common than usual... also if, after an outburst, you were to search your memory enough, you might find that you weren't just upset about the one little subject you thought you were upset about but that it's really just associated in your mind to a whole can of worms you don't even realize upsets you that much... Mind you I don't know if knowing where it comes from can really help that much because when the emotions come it's like drowning... if a person walking down the street were to suddently and mysteriously find himself suffocating under 20 tones of water he probably wouldn't pose to wonder why or how it happened cuz what matters most is that it's happening...